The SleepDeep™ Collection | Super, Stupid-Soft™ Pajama Pants, Shirts, Dresses & More

Get Ready For Deep Sleep in the SleepDeep™ Pajama Collection by Shinesty Close your eyes with me now. Imagine the softest material on earth between your fingers. I bet that makes you go, “ooooooo that’s niiiiiiice.” Now, imagine that material all over your body. Now I bet you go, “OOOOOOOO THAT IS NIIIIIICE!” Now let that dream become a reality. Introducing SleepDeep™ pajamas by Shinesty: The softest men’s and women’s pajama sets you’ll ever lay your body in. Have you ever experienced our tried and true MicroModal fabric? If you’ve worn our life-changing men’s Ball Hammocks or women’s underwear sets then your answer is yes. You guys RAVE about these underwear, so we thought, why not make the underwear bigger…so your entire body could fit inside it…then we realized that’s just clothes. But what kind of clothes? We knew that the fabric was so soft that it could inspire narcolepsy so we decided that PJs made sense. After lots of development, VIOLÀ, MicroModal sleepwear was born. We took our sumptuously soft, moisture wicking, breathable MicroModal fabric and turned it into the best pajama pants, shorts, tops and dresses the world has ever seen. Now you can envelop yourself in it, all evening, all night, and all morning long. It’s like living in a cocoon. When you come out of it, you’ll be well rested to emerge like a gorgeous butterfly. Let’s get into the details of what this collection of men’s and women’s pajamas can offer you. No matter how you like to sleep, we’ve got you covered (literally). Well…unless you sleep in your birthday suit. In that case, these pajama shorts, pants and tops are perfect for wearing when you’ve got company at the house. No need to traumatize Auntie Helen with your nude form. There is a lot to choose from here, no matter your preference. Go classic with a women’s pajama bottoms and a matching long sleeve button down shirt. Or forgo the pants and go for a long sleeve sleep dress. Underwear optional. Speaking of underwear, men: these boxers make for fantastic sleep shorts. Say hello to the comfiest pair of underwear you’ve ever worn. If your knees tend to get chili, go for some men’s pajama pants instead. Don’t forget the matching pull over long sleeve. The possibilities are bountiful to say the least. It all comes down to this: being cozy means better sleep, and the best way to be extremely cozy is with this collection of sleep shorts, sleep shirts, pajama dresses, PJ pants and boxers. It’s as simple as that. Sleep deep with the Shinesty DeepSleep™ Collection.

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