When I was a kid, I had a dream that I was at camp and had to pee, but there was no TP at the camp potty so I had to use pages from a catalog that I found in the bathroom. When I woke up the next morning, there were wadded up catalog pages floating in the toilet at my house, and that's how I found o...ut I'm a sleep walker. Fast forward a couple of decades, and my boyfriend showed me a catalog he got in the mail from Shinesty. Second only to the inexplicably serious facial expressions of Victoria's Secret models, it was the funniest shit I'd ever seen in a catalog and I immediately started begging them to hire me. Also, I married the boyfriend, so that's just a couple of stories about the role catalogs have played in my life. But the Shinesty catalog is more than just a catalog. It's quality entertainment. It's choice throne room reading material. It's a highly effective fly-swatter. It's the physical manifestation of months of blood, sweat, and fisticuffs put in by a close-knit team of hilarious weirdos whose humble goal is simply to share a laugh with our kindred spirits. Plus, it's only a dollar, which is basically free.
Product Details
100% top tier comedy gold
keep on basement toilet tank
high gloss cover
full color centerfold
printed right here in the USA
includes free digital download