Can a funny suit really make a party better? Well, whatā€™s the secret to a good party? Liquor. And creating a vibe where strangers can become fast friends. Whatā€™s the secret to getting a conversation started with a stranger? Liquor. And by showing people you donā€™t take yourself too seriously. Any one of the crazy menā€™s suits in this collection will signal to everyone around you that youā€™re a cool person whoā€™s fun to be around. These funny suits donā€™t just make you the life of the party, they bring life TO the party. Our party suits feature over-the-top prints designed with special occasions in mind. Find the perfect look for the 4th of July, Thanksgiving, Christmas, the Kentucky Derby, and whatever occasion youā€™d need to wear an orange and black tiger stripe suit to. Maybe you just made a huge donation to your local zoo and theyā€™re renaming the big cats section after you or something. Look, man, I donā€™t know your life. Point is, no oneā€™s gonna accuse you of being a wallflower in one of these cool suits. And if you want to be a little more subtle, check out our collection of solid color suits that will still turn heads with the wild lining hiding underneath.

A Tale Of Two Parties: Crazy Suits vs Lazy Suits

Imagine two parties. At one party, the guests are wearing plain black suits and drinking wine in silence. At the other party, everyoneā€™s wearing fun suits and drinking shots straight from the bottle. Which party would you rather be at? Unless you have a sexual kink where you get off on going to funerals, Iā€™m guessing youā€™re gonna choose party number two. And youā€™ll fit right in with a menā€™s printed suit from our collection of irreverent outfits. Our crazy suits for men are designed to show off your personality and create a fun, light-hearted atmosphere. Hereā€™s something thatā€™s never been overheard at an event where people are decked out in our cool suits: ā€œThis party sucks bro. Everyoneā€™s laughing a lot and the photos are already getting tons of likes on Insta. Letā€™s get out of here.ā€

To Suit Or Not To Suit: Does A Funny Blazer Need Funny Pants?

ā€œWill I still seem cool at a party if Iā€™m only wearing a funny blazer instead of a funny suit?ā€ We get asked this question all the time. The answer is of course youā€™ll still seem cool! But only half as cool, so itā€™s a risky move. ā€œWhat if I just wear funny pants without a funny blazer?ā€ This oneā€™s a gray area. You can always act like your funny blazer is on a chair in another room or something. But youā€™ll only still achieve 75% coolness at best. When it comes to over-the-top outfits, you definitely want the carpet to match the drapes. The blazers and pants of our party suits are designed to work together to create an overwhelming impression for the other partygoers that youā€™re a fun person that they definitely want to have a drink and/or sex with.